Curreculum Vitae




Assoc Professor, PHD, analyst, knowledge manager, organizational development                                                                                           


Carina Beckerman


Smedsbacksgatan 10

115 39 Stockholm



Phone: 00 46 768-815019




(I Stormens öga-Ledarskap ett omöjligt uppdrag)


Current position


I currently work as a consultant specializing in business intelligence, knowledge management, identity and behavioural management, innovation strategy and how to create learning organizations.


A company normally has an overall strategy, a strategy for knowledge management and a strategy for its brand/identity. These strategies sometimes work in the same direction but often they are coordinated so that they counteract each others. This has a lot of negative implications that must be dealt with and that I would like to work with. The background to this interest is that the strategic knowledge of an organization depends on its internal and external network of people, knowledge, information resources and cultural norms and how they relate to what is going on in the surrounding world. How efficient different integration mechanisms are depends on the existence of a brand/identity, a common language and other forms of symbolic communication such as codes and metaphors.  The questions I want to deal with are: What picture does the company want to present of its self to others? How is the company viewed by others? What kind of competence does the company wants to attract? What kind of competence does it attract? Analyze the overall strategy at the organization. Analyze the knowledge management strategy. Analyze the strategy for its brand/identity. How are these different strategies integrated? Identify a framework of guidelines, policies, processes and technical solutions applicable for the implementation of the identity. What are the main themes in its culture? How do they influence what is taking place?


In addition to this I have also started the initiative focusing on design and health. I believe in transforming the health care sector with the help of design, architecture and colours. At the School of Health Sciences in Jonkoping, Sweden, I work as a programcoordinator, examinator, lecturer and with scientific and organizational development.


 Working Experiences



Dr Carina Beckerman is a researcher and assistant professor at Stockholm School of Economics. In her research she focuses on among other things the knowledge society, knowledge management and implications of implementing new information-and communication technology into the health care sector. She is also interested in how innovation processes and managing knowledge relates to survival in a more globalized world for the multinational corporations. Several of her papers represents a positive argument for Information Systems in healthcare reform, clarifying what is possible when re-thinking how tools are used and work-processes that are being conducted in healthcare. Re-thinking the tools that are used and how work-processes are conducted can change the quality of work taking place. Transforming the patient record into a knowledge management system can start a movement of coordination and enhancement. Healthcare employees often keep working in the same way, in the same type of organizations using the same tools they have been socialized into how to use. Examples include different specialists using patient records differently. Yet it is always considered a place in which vital signs and other types of information are recorded about the patient. One can express it like this; among employees exists a certain interpretative scheme for what a patient record is and how it should be used. It is a key informational artefact within health care. It is a tool to manage information about the patient. Efforts to computerize the patient record have been going on since the 1960s. It has been a difficult journey according to most people involved and by some considered a "mission" or "a crusade" into cleaning up information giving within health care. Making needed information accessible all the time has been one of the goals. This is because having the right kind of information available influences how healthcare employees exercise their knowledge. It influences diagnosing, decision-making and action. In this research that I am going to present I theorize about how transforming the interpretative scheme for what a patient record is might restructure a medical health care setting. The findings indicate that thinking about the patient record as a knowledge management system might start a horizontal and vertical movement, a movement of coordination and enhancement.


Introduced the concepts: Knowledge structuring-Knowledge domination


Research Grants: Nutek, RALF


Theoretical framework: knowledge management, information management, structuration theory, cognitive theory, design management


PHD Thesis: The Clinical Eye. Constructing and Computerizing an Anesthesia Patient Record. EFI

The overall purpose in this research has been to investigate what happens when somebody or something intervenes in a knowledge worker´s every-day life. Empirically, the author has chosen to explore how an anesthesia patient record is constructed to be what it becomes and then computerized and the implications of this for the anesthesist and the anesthesia nurse. The research takes place among a group of people that call themselves emergency people. Some of them think that the art of the performance will be at risk if the anesthesia patient record is computerized. The author has used a theoretical framework integrating ideas about knowledge management with concepts from structuration theory and theories about sensemaking, representations and schema use. Integrating knowledge management with structuration theory makes it possible to capture the complexity of what takes place when a knowledge worker shuttles between transformation and routine in an organizational setting in the knowledge society.“The clinical eye” emerges as a concept that influences how an anesthesist searches for information, how knowledge is exercised in anesthesia and how a patient record should be designed. The author concludes that the clinical eye is a central concept for understanding how an anesthesist exercises his or her knowledge, how the content of a patient record is constructed and designed and how reactions to a changed evolve. The author introduces two concepts “knowledge structuring” and “knowledge domination” that are considered important and interrelated. Exercising knowledge is a structured activity. In our heads we make plans for what to do, how to do it and what to do next. When an organizational setting is structured the knowledge that is exercised in this setting also becomes structured. An anesthesist exercises the practice of anesthesia in a structured order in a certain space during a certain time-period. When upgrading and computerizing the anesthesia patient record, both a transformation and an additional structuring of how knowledge is exercised take place. The question then becomes how this new structuring influences the practice of performing anesthesia. In addition to this the author theorizes that if the computerized patient record is conceptualized as a knowledge management system the way it is used changes. Many more services are included, and it is not “just” a patient record anymore.


Book: Kunskapssamhället – en kraft som inte går att stoppa! Academia Adacta 2005

(English title: The Knowledge Society- a force that cannot be stopped.) In this book members of the board of the Confederation of Swedish Industry were interviewed about their view of the Knowledge Society and the concept knowledge management.


Research interests-management of successful innovation processes, political management of country specific innovation systems, implications of IT, the knowledge society and knowledge management, other questions related to globalization.


Teaching-seminars and work-shops mostly for corporate clients


Conferences-participate on a regular basis at EGOS conferences, World Economic Forum in Davos, ICIS and ECIS


Reviewer for International Journal of HealthCare Delivery Reform Initiatives (IJHDRI)


A Few Publications


Beckerman, C. 1998. A Study of IT and Change Processes in Hospital Organizations, EGOS, Maastricht, Holland, June.
Beckerman, C. 2001. Ny teknik förändrar mötet mellan läkare och patient.
Användarperspektivet, MTO-programmet, Nutek.
Beckerman, C. 2001. A Study of a Knowledge Management Project: Implementing Computer Based Patient Journals as a Tool for Decision Support. Qualitative Health research, Seoul, South Korea, June.
Beckerman, C.2005. Historien om en datajournal, SSE/EFI Working papers No. 2005:6, Series in Business Administration.
Beckerman, C. Kunskapssamhället-En kraft som inte går att stoppa!
Academia Adacta, Lund.
Beckerman, C. 2006. The Clinical Eye. Constructing and Computerizing an Anesthesia Patient Journal, EFI/Stockholm School of Economics, PHD-thesis.
Beckerman, C. 2006. How to manage people who think. A strutural approach, SSE/EFI Working paper No.2006:11, Series in Business Administration.
Beckerman, C. 2006, Knowledge Structuring-Knowledge Domination. Two interrelated concepts. SSE/EFI Working paper No.2006:12, Series in Business Administration.
Beckerman, C. The Patient a construction and a non-participant member of a change-process. SSE/EFI Working paper No 2007:4
Beckerman, C. 2007. Knowledge Structuring-Knowledge Domination. Two interrelated concepts. ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management. May

Beckerman, C.2008. Implications of transforming the Patient Record into a Knowledge Management System. A strategy for coordination and enhancement. ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management, Nov
Beckerman, C. 2008 Vad vårddebatten borde handla om.IFL/HHS
Beckerman, C. 2009 Leading Health Care - Organizing Healthcare for greater value.IFL/HHS

Beckerman, C. 2010. Restructuring an Empire. The Turnaround of the Swedish Telecom Company Ericsson. In a review process

Beckerman, C. 2011 Kameleonten. En studie om ledarskap, kultur och stress. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Beckerman, C. 2010 First The Captain, then The Ship. Being Culturally Fit. In a review process

Beckerman, C.2010 The Chameleon and The Curse of Charisma. Leadership, Culture and Stress. In a review process



Worked at Svenska Dagbladet as a journalist/analyst writing about business and EU (Work in EU). Published analysis of companies, portraits of business leader, news articles and big thematic overviews of different economic phenomenon. I have very good knowledge of the Swedish Business Sector and have followed Atlas Copco, Ericsson, Electrolux and SSAB since more than fifteen years.


Additional working experiences

General Motors, 1986, financial analyst. Produced documentation of competitors. Detroit and New York

Active in The Association for Political Risk Analysts.



MBA from Stockholm School of Economics focused on International Business and Political Risk Assessment.

Political Science at The University of Stockholm focused on International Politics.

Cognitive neuroscience, Karolinska Institute.

PHD in Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics.


International Experiences


Paris, USA, Egypt

Warwick Business School  2007 Visiting scholar



English, French, Spanish



1997 Wallenberg Award for Industrial Management. Intensic Information


Additional/Personal Engagements

Painter, Photographer

Exhibitions: Folkkulturcentrum, November 2007, Galleri Nybroviken

Kulturhuset, 2004 Akademiskt Forum

1996 Ansikten från Havanna (Faces in Havanna) Gallery in Stockholm



EGOS, European Group for Organizational Studies

AIS Association for Information Systems, HHS Alumni Organization, Association for Business Administration,

The Swedish Assocation for Financial Analysts.